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Life Coaching

As a transformational coach, I can help you unpack and release what life is currently throwing towards you. Leaving no stone unturned, I will work with you closely over a series of sessions and help you feel unconditionally supported as you gain momentum in your healing journey.

Will we be a good fit? 

The clients I am the most aligned with - who have the best results - are the people who have the courage to be fully seen. There's nothing more vulnerable than bringing light to the parts of your shadow aka: the things you may not like or deny about yourself or the painful memories or beliefs you've hidden away. Oftentimes, these shadow aspects and memories from the past can be the pivotal points that are affecting your present. We all recycle traumatic moments and beliefs we aren't conscious of. In our work together, I will help you pinpoint the grief, fear, shame, or pain that is keeping you in a cycle of dissatisfaction. In doing so, we can create space for the joy, success, peace and clarity you are ready for. I understand how important it is to be in trust during this process, and to feel aligned with the person holding space for you and that's also why I offer a free consultation/ clarity call (you can schedule here).


(6 months+)


My Shapeshifter Coaching Program follows a very specific format. This program helps you shift everything from distraction and self-sabotage patterns to healing your money beliefs. I will guide you through 10 major areas in your life that will quite literally shift your current reality as we create new pathways in your brain. If you choose to commit to the Shapeshifter Programwe will connect with the impact you truly desire to have in this world and the conscious business your soul wants to create. We will identify what you need to clear in order for your new life to fully flow

We move from an introduction to your inner self into your dreams, desires, sabotage patterns and shadows. We dig into your disguises and 'truth aches.' We dive into your emotional patterns and the uncertainty you may face as you start to envision and embody the new you. We explore your 'soul pod' and the impactful people in your life. And finally, we will identify your gifts and your true soul calling as we focus on your new avatar and your money beliefs.

The Shapeshifter program requires a commitment of at least 6 months. Many clients choose to extend their duration in the program due to the incredible shifts they experience. The total amount of time depends on the amount of trauma and limiting beliefs you choose to transform from your past and the expansiveness of your goals. I have had some clients stay within the program years - and they have accomplished everything from finding the love of their lives to finding business and success beyond their wildest dreams.


The reason I call this the Shapeshifter program is that people literally transform in this process. I ask clients to take a photo of their face before we begin working together and after. It is incredible; they look like a completely different people. Their auras change, their eyes are more open and brighter, their face and spirit have a new shine to it, and their 'pain face' is gone.

This program can support you in the experiences mentioned in the Transformational Coaching container (above) and is a potential match for you if…

  • You are feeling frustrated with life and are unsure of why or what to change

  • You are stuck in a hamster wheel of working to pay off debts and can't see a way out

  • You dream of a life filled with inspiration and deep satisfaction

  • You know you have a bigger purpose and calling to share but don't know what it is or how to bring it through

  • You want clarity around relationships, health, and abundance

  • You are ready to make big changes in your life


My clients often have an idea of who they want to become when they start this program - but at this starting point, one is limited to their current beliefs. When you emerge, new ways of being become available as you have become a clear channel and are able to see possibilities for yourself that you've never seen before. It is truly impactful work and if you're ready to dig deep, I will be in the trenches with you, guiding you and holding the lamp until we resurface together. 


Are you looking for something more custom in a coaching program?

Click here to learn about my Custom Transformational Coaching Sessions

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Transformatinal Coaching

Are you ready?

If you're ready to be fully seen.

If you're ready for


If you're curious which program is the best fit for you...


(3 months+)



My Custom Transformational Coaching container is tailored to your specific needs and goals. In each session, I will guide you through a dialogue that will reveal what needs your attention in the present moment. Clients refer to these sessions as 'pulling up roots' because what is currently being seen and experienced in the present is often linked to something that has been hidden and buried deep beneath the surface. We will work together to pinpoint the source of your current challenges and I will select specific techniques to help you process and clear it from your emotional body. Some clients may focus on new topics each session while others utilize a series of sessions to process deeply rooted and more significant issues. 


I utilize Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping), Journey Work, Shamanic Counseling, Somatic Release and more. Each session is powerful medicine and clients are surprised at how quickly they can move through their healing with these techniques. I have many clients who have shared that within just a few sessions of working together, they were able to clear and release challenges that years of traditional therapy could not. A sense of ease, release and a powerful flood of emotions can be expected after the session.

These sessions support people experiencing the following:

  • Chronic Stress

  • Loss of motivation and inspiration for life

  • Dissatisfaction with work, career, relationships

  • Insomnia and depression

  • Physical abuse and sexual trauma

  • Heightened anger and frustration

  • Feelings of guilt and hopelessness

  • Addictions of any type, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, food / eating disorders, sexual addiction, etc.

  • Physical health issues, long and short-term diseases including cancer

  • Chronic physical pain; chronic emotional pain

  • Grief


We start with a 3 month commitment. Why? Because it is impossible to shift a lifetime of programming, limiting beliefs and trauma in just a few sessions. If you want to create significant change in your life, it will require time and dedication.


I really liked the depth of the program. It felt like peeling away layer after layer and diving deeper and deeper into my inner world. I was able to release many old blockages that were holding me back for years. The intensity of the program and my willingness to go all in allowed a huge change within a relatively short amount of time. The wide range of the program with all its different parts encouraged me to really step into my past, explore my present and create my future.

Henrike, Germany

Curious to know more about Jaime's client results?
Video testimonials are coming soon!

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